
Download the latest release of BEE2.4

How to Install

  1. Make sure to download both the latest release of the Application and Packages
  2. Extract the contents of the Application release anywhere you like.
    e.g. C:\Users\class\Documents\BEE2.4
      Do not put BEE in your Portal 2 installation folder
  3. Place extracted package folder in the root BEE2 folder.
    e.g. ..\BEE2.4\packages
  4. To run, locate the BEE2 application in the app folder and execute it.
    e.g. ..\BEE2.4\BEE2.exe

Video Guide:

Mac OS 

As of version 4.37 we have stopped supporting BEE2.4 on Mac. See this wiki article for more details and how you can still use the mod.


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If you have an issue, report it to our bug tracker
Be sure to read the BEEmod Contributing Guidelines before opening an issue
If your issue is related to the application itself then go the the Application Repo Issue Tracker
If your issue is related to an item, style, or other package feature: report it to the Package Repo Issue Tracker